Youra sets the pace with ‘Pacemaker’

Photo credits: Mun Hwa In

Electronic indie artist Youra is back with a new single album ‘Pacemaker’. The single album consists of the two new singles ‘Roller Coaster’ and ‘Seoul Cyborg’.

‘Roller Coaster’ is the title track of the two and was written and co-composed by Youra. It’s an interesting track with a very intriguing use of instrumentals. It feels like there were definitely some rock influences in there. I love her vocals!

The second track is ‘Seoul Cyborg’. This one is a bit slower and focuses more on vocals. The layering in this track feels very smooth and well done. That little added guitar is super dope.

You can find ‘Pacemaker’ by Youra on Spotify here. If you’d like to read about her previous release, you can click here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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