All credit goes to the rightful owners

We’re back with a new Top 3 and for this week we’re going more on the indie route with some known and lesser known indie artists. These artists have some amazing discographies just waiting to be discovered. 

Number 1: Sujo – Secret

Jazzy vocals with groovy instrumentation, what else is needed for a solid track.

Number 2: Kwon Wol – Float

I’m obsessed with all his releases, but this one remains my favorite.

Number 3: SWJA – Run with me

I’m bringing this Sunwoo Jung Ah release back, because she’s releasing a new single this week and I’m weak for anything she releases.

That’s it for this week’s Top 3. I hope you made some new discoveries. You can find these songs on our playlist on Spotify here

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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