[Time Capsule] DAY6 – Congratulations

Photo credits: JYP Ent

For this week’s Time Capsule, we’re taking a look at DAY6 and their debut song ‘Congratulations’. 

‘Congratulations’ was released in 2015. It was the title track of their debut EP ‘The Day’. The song was an immediate success and landed on the second spot on the Billboard World Album chart. That’s quite a feat for a debut release.

We’ve already spoken in-depth on the five member band, DAY6. You can listen to our podcast on the band here. Though at the time of this, now ex-member Jun-Hyeok was still part of the band.

‘Congratulations’ remains a song that feels fresh and new, despite the fact that it was released almost six years ago. It still feels as salty as the first time I heard it. You have got to love the irony of the track.

Ah, the teenage angst.

“How is he? Is he better than me?
Did he erase all your memories about me?
Yes, your happiness is all that matters
No, I’m not gonna tell a lie like that
Why should I wish you happiness
When you’re the one who left me?
I don’t give a-”


Go ahead and listen to ‘Congratulations’ by DAY6 and get ready to have the song stuck in your head for ages.

You can find the song on Spotify here. If you want to read our review about their latest comeback, you can click here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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