[Review] Purple Rain – WANDERER FANTASY

Photo credit by Dreamus

The band Purple Rain is back with their first full album ‘WANDERER FANTASY’! Ever since SuperBand, the guys have been releasing amazing music and stunning music videos, so I have high expectations. Let’s dive in!


We open the album with the intro ‘Behind The Curtain’. The intensity is up with this one. It feels like I just stepped into a Viking dream. Damn, that was cool.

‘The King Must Die’ was already previously released. It came accompanied with a music video. If you haven’t watched it yet, please do so now, because it’s really good.

The next track ‘Waking Up’ was also previously released. They have two music videos for this one, the short version and the long version. I suggest watching both.

After that we get ‘Light On’. The track starts off super soft and when the violins come in, I was already feeling it. The theme of the song is overcoming fear and feeling joy. I’m in love with this one. The theatrical feel is just fantastic. Listen to this if you want to feel like a queen in an old castle. 

Next up is the title track ‘Miracle’. It feels kind of weird to listen to this track after the dramatic ‘Light On’. I am digging this vibe though. It sounds happy and playful, and a lot lighter than the other songs so far. 

‘Forgotten’ follows it and we get another emotional whiplash. We’re going sad hours with this ballad. It is beautiful though.

Next up

We get a skit on this album as well. ‘May 21 11:30am(skit)’. It’s so cute and the members are just jamming and joking around. I love it.

‘New World’ comes after that. This feels so uplifting and inspiring?! Imagine this scenario, when we’re finally allowed to go to concerts again, you’re in a huge crowd and everyone is chanting the ‘na na’ and ‘woo woo’ parts. Uhm, I would die and go to heaven.

‘Letter’ is already the tenth track on the album. This one is absolutely lovely. It’s mostly acoustic and folk inspired. I genuinely dig the small scale of this. Also the vocals are just so soft, how could I not enjoy this.

Next up is ‘Lover’. We get some classical piano and gorgeous vocals again. This ballad was inspired by ‘The Great Gatsby’ according to the album description. It feels very, very fragile.

The last track on the album is ‘Sehnsucht’ which is German for wistful longing. This is the kind of easy-listening piano moment I need before bedtime. It’s completely instrumental and a beautiful way to close this album.


‘WANDERER FANTASY’ by Purple Rain is a fantastic album. You get such a variety of genres and moods that even though the musical whiplash is kind of real at some points, you won’t get sick of it. 

Go ahead and listen to the album on Spotify here

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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