[Review] Oceanfromtheblue – Messages

Photo credits: Nostalgia Music

R&B singer-songwriter Oceanfromtheblue is back to bless us with new music with his album ‘Messages’. Let’s dive right in because I can’t wait!


We start off with the song ‘Dear’ which lets us listen to a conversation with his mother. It’s a smooth R&B track that is beautifully layered. The different layers of the vocals feel mesmerizing.

Next up is ‘STAY’. The track is inspired by the idea that love is better when you give it rather than being on the receiving end. The R&B ballad is a lovely listen. It flitters from Oceanfromtheblue’s falsetto to rap and it’s really cool.

‘TALK !’ is the first title track and also the first feature. MRSHLL is another R&B legend. This collab is EVERYTHING. Their voices blend so well together and I got literal chills. It’s a pop vibe with outstanding mixing. It’s a 10/10 for me.


The second title track is ‘Wings (like Sisqo)’ featuring Samuel Seo. This song is a dedication to a friend who passed away. The phrase ‘I can’t live without you like Sisqo’ is a reference to the song ‘Without you’ by Sisqo featuring Dru Hill. This is another great collab!

The next song ‘TINA’ comes in both the English and Korean version. The English version features BUMKEY. It’s another great R&B track with smooth as hell vocals.

Next up

‘Heaven’ follows that with an urban R&B vibe. In the album description they wrote that the song talks about the leftover thoughts and emotions after a break-up. Before you break-up you only see the other’s shortcoming, but afterwards you only remember the good things. The song was pre-released in April.

‘Messages (Interlude)’ is a phone conversation with his father. Honestly, the wholesomeness of this full album is everything.

The last track is ‘For Myself’. The song is an inspiration to love you for yourself and not for anyone else. It’s just under two minutes and has some beautiful vocal runs in it.

The album ‘Messages’ by Oceanfromtheblue is an excercise in tonality and the different versions of love. It’s wholesome and incredibly beautiful.

You can go check it out on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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