[Review] MAX CHANGMIN – Devil

Photo credit: SM Ent

Max or Changmin is back with his second mini-album ‘Devil’. His previous album was a massive hit, you can read our review about that here.


We start off with the title track ‘Devil‘. I am utterly OBSESSED with this track. It’s a straight up 10/10. I haven’t heard this type of sound in K-pop just yet. It’s a slow R&B with a lot of blues elements and some hymn influences as well. Max carries the song so well with his charisma and his vocals. I am super impressed. Max wrote the lyrics.

‘Maniac’ is next. We get musical theatre vibes in this one. The track is fun, catchy and begs for a little dance in your living room. I love the MV. It’s so much fun!

Jazz piano greets us in ‘Fever’. This track was performed at the SMTOWN Live. Watch the performance below. The EDM that comes in after the first couple of lines is fun and with the electric guitar thrown in, it’s a full experience.

Next up is ‘Alien’ which brings some grooviness to the album. The bass is sick and carries the song. The drums are funky and it feels like a full jam session. The theremin like synth is a really cool addition. Max wrote the lyrics for this one too.

‘Dirty Dancing’ is a Latin pop track. This song is sexy. I like how they did the build-up of the instrumentals and how they play with little pauses and tense moments. It creates such a cool dynamic.

The closing track is ‘Airplane Mode’. It’s an easy-listening pop track that allows for a full focus on his smooth vocals. It’s lovely!

You can find ‘Devil’ by MAX CHANGMIN on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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