Photo credit: Dreamus

KIMMUSEUM is back with his new album ‘BLUE FOREST’. Let’s take a closer look and discover what this icon has in store for us.


‘Jongno Water Market’ featuring OLNL is first. This R&B and hip hop fusion is a wonderful listen. The piano section that is followed by the distorted vocals create such an interesting ambience. It kind of choked me up a little. What a beautiful opening track.

Next up is ‘SCOPE’ which is the title track. The plucky guitars are a really cool backing track for his R&B vocals. There are some really lovely synths in there too.

‘MAZE SEOUL’ featuring LUXURY VILLA follows that. This vibe is awesome. I love the brass in the instrumentation and the rapping sections are very fun. LUXURY VILLA had a great verse. The chorus is catchy!

Next up is ‘Round and Round’. This pop R&B track has some interesting synths that create a very cyclical ambience.

‘Cullinan’ feels quite synthwave meets grooviness. It’s such an interesting combo, I thoroughly enjoyed this track. What a funky moment.

After that we get ‘GUARDIANS’ featuring LUXURY VILLA and COBALT BRUME. This is more hip hop than R&B but it’s so great. All the rappers bring their best and create a gripping listening experience. The EDM-style outro is a really cool addition.

‘HERO’ featuring Mirani is next. This is also the second title track. KIMMUSEUM’s rap in this feels quite raw and I love how the strings enhanced the vibe. Mirani’s feature was great and I love how she also sang a bit.

The closing track is ‘step difference’ featuring OverTheZoo. This is such a soft song. Just like the lyrics, it sounds a bit weary. What a beautiful little fragile song.

Overall ‘BLUE FOREST’ by KIMMUSEUM is a wonderful listen. He did another great job and created unique sounds. I am also obsessed with that album cover.

Go ahead and listen to the album on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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