[Review] DreamNote – Dreams Alive

Photo credits: iMe Korea

The girls from DreamNote are back with their new single album ‘Dreams Alive’. The group is back with a more mature sound according to the album description. Let’s dive right in!

Dreams Alive

We start off with the title track ‘GHOST’. This is a really cool title track, the chorus is hella catchy. The laughing in the instrumentals are appropriately creepy for the Halloween season. The girls all look amazing in the music video. This is, as promised by the album description, a very different DreamNote.

Next up is the single ‘NIGHT’. We go citypop with a lot of funky synths thrown in. This retro sounds actually fits the vocals of the group really well. It’s a super nice listen and I would love to hear a live version of this. I love how they layered the vocals. This is really well done!

The last track is ‘THANK YOU’. This mid-tempo ballad shows us the beautiful vocal colors of the members. The instrumentation is piano based and allows room to give all the focus to the vocal line.

You can find ‘Dreams Alive’ by DreamNote on Spotify here. If you want to read about their previous release you can click here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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