[R&B Gem] SOQI

Photo credits go to the rightful owner

We’re back with a new R&B Gem and this time it’s all about producer SOQI so let’s take a closer look!


He officially debuted in 2022 with the single album ‘Upside Down’ featuring the singer G1nger.

That year he also teamed up with artists like b!ni, CHOILB and OLNL for his EP ‘Time Traveler’.

Last year he released the three singles ‘generously’, ‘now’ and ‘lazy’.

In this video you can see him in action.

He’s also listed as a composer for the following tracks:

I’m very curious to see where he’ll take his own listed releases so let’s stay tuned!

You can find him on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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