[R&B Gem] Rheehab

Photo Credit by Rheehab

To start off the second year at M.E.A.L. well, we are coming out with a couple of brand new features like this one, R&B Gems. I thought we should start off strong with one of my favorite R&B artists; Rheehab.

In R&B Gems, we will dive a little bit deeper into the artists discography in hopes that we can share some great music with newer fans who might not know these artists yet. 


Rheehab is a Korean R&B singer who started off his career in 2017 with the single album ‘Rhehab’ with the two singles ‘IWY’ featuring Donutman and Dopein and ‘Watchaname’. 

His stage name comes from the combination of his mother’s name ‘Lee’ and the word ‘rehabilitation’ as in providing a cure. So Rheehab is going to take you to a better place with his music if you’ll let him.

For me, one of the key trades of Rheehab has got to be his caramel voice. He has a really lovely timbre that brings me enormous comfort on hard days and smooths the edges.


I’m super happy that Rheehab has released a couple of collabs with SLCHLD, because that’s honestly an iconic R&B duo. I have plans to cover SLCHLD later on in this series.

In general Rheehab has some incredible artists featuring on his music. They’re generally not the most well-known, with a couple of exceptions like Microdot and oceanfromtheblue. It opens the doors for some amazing discoveries.

Here’s his collab with Microdot for the single ‘FISH’. 

His collab with oceanfromtheblue:

Another staple is all the amazing cover art for his single albums. Like honestly, there’s some really pretty art work going around in the Korean R&B underground. 

I mean, just look at this:

One of my personal favorites is the song ‘It has to be me’, the lyrics are enough to give you cavities, but it’s adorable. Sadly this song is not on Spotify, though it’s on his Soundcloud page.

A lot of his music is actually not on his Spotify, so be sure to check out his Soundcloud page, because there’s tons of gems to be discovered there. For example, ‘TOUCHYOURHAND’ ft. SLCHLD is on his Soundcloud.

Or this one that has a very groovy saxophone:

Thankfully there are some YouTube channels who are doing God’s work by putting all of them on YouTube.

So here’s a compilation, for some easy listening.

That’s it for this [R&B Gem]. I hope you’ve discovered some new music by this great R&B artist. Rheehab is really a great singer who’s putting out quality music. So go check out his music and Happy Listening!

Go check out his Instagram.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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