N.Flying releases MV for ‘Oh Really’

Photo Credit by FNC Entertainment

N.Flying has released their latest music video for the title track ‘Oh Really’. In a very surprising turn of events, FNC Entertainment released the music video three days early.

The original schedule had ‘Oh Really’ drop on the 10th together with the rest of the mini-album. So imagine my surprise when I was just innocently browsing through YouTube and suddenly N.Flying’s new title track ‘Oh Really’ starts playing. The album itself will be released on the 10th still.

Anyways, the song is as good as I thought it would be. N.Flying literally never disappoints. Also we have got to talk about the music video. It’s utterly adorable. 

All of the boys are rather bored at home and decide to watch TV. Of course all the members play what’s happening on the various TV channels. Anything from a channel where you can buy stuff from home (their lightstick), to a political debate and even an award show. 

It’s ridiculously cute and the song itself is catchy as hell.

Go take a look!

Go say hi to them on Twitter.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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