MV Rec: IRRIS – Wanna Know

We’re back with a new Music Video Recommendation, and this time we’re taking a closer look at ‘Wanna Know’ by IRRIS. 

This title track was released on their debut mini-album ‘Wanna Know’ which came out in 2022. You can read our review for this release here

I wanted to share the single because I’ve recently re-discovered it and to be honest this track is such a BOP! ‘Wanna Know’ is fun, dramatic and has some awesome brass in the chorus. It’s catchy as hell. 

The music video has multiple beautiful sets, including the stables which I’ve been seeing more and more in different music videos. It reminds me of the Gimcheon school building, maybe we’ll have to dedicate a full feature to it as well. 

The lush sets with the curtains were well done and I am in love with their outfits. The duality between the softer looks and the scene where they’re dancing in a parking lot is well done. The camera work is absolutely stellar. 

Go ahead and watch the music video for ‘Wanna Know’ by IRRIS. 

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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