MV Rec: ABOUT – Hennessy

Photo credits: ABOUT

We’re back with a new music video recommendation and this time, we’re sharing the new release of ABOUT with his single ‘Hennessy’.

‘Hennessy’ is a pre-release single to ‘PART ONE: ANGER’ of the upcoming ‘Empathy’ trilogy. Check out ABOUT on Instagram here.

The music video for ‘Hennessy’ is absolutely brilliant in its portrayal of feeling lost and drunk in a seemingly never ending cycle. The MV was directed by Lee Junyeop. Dancer Choi Hojong is our main character. The choreography was really well implemented. I love the way they filmed as it shows off the beautiful lines of his dancing. 

Go ahead and check out the music video below.

You can find the single ‘Hennessy’ by ABOUT here

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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