K-pop Releases This Week

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We’re back with a new list of all the K-pop Releases and Comebacks that are happening this week. Since we’re pretty much all stuck in our houses, we might as well support the artists that worked hard on their little gems. 


Kisum is dropping a new single ‘Primero’.


Daniel Kang will be releasing his first mini-album

ONEUS is coming out with a new single. To be honest it sounds like a bop.

SIK-K is releasing his EP ‘Officially OG’. There are going to be some amazing collabs on there.

Xydo is also releasing an EP called ‘X’.

The label Wavy is debuting a new artist, and right now all they released is this tiny teaser.


Ong Seong Wu is dropping his first mini-album ‘Layers’.

M.C the MAX will be dropping their 20th anniversary album ‘Ceremonia’.


Winner is pre-releasing their single ‘Hold’ of the album that will be dropping in April. This will be the last album before enlistment. 

MY.st is a new boy band that will be debuting with the single ‘Don’t Know’.


Bursters is dropping their second full album ‘Once And For All’. Korean Rock fans, this one is definitely worth looking out for.

That’s it for this week’s K-pop Comebacks and Releases. There’s quite a few to enjoy. Let us know which one you’re stoked for and if we forgot anything, feel free to drop them in the comments.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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