K-Music Time Capsule: Mina – Answer The Phone

photo credit by J-Entercom Entertainment

For this week’s Time Capsule, we’re going back to the year 2002 with Mina and the song ‘Answer the phone’. The year where some of us were wearing shell necklaces, fedoras or tried to copy Avril Lavigne’s look when she debuted and released her song ‘Sk8er boi’. It was also the year Christina Aguilera released ‘Dirrty’ so you were either an Avril girl or a Christina girl. There was no inbetween.

It was also the year that Shim Mina came onto the K-pop scene. She first got famous during the 2002 FIFA World Cup because she was wearing a ‘Be The Reads!’ top and a Korean flag as a skirt. 

That got her signed under J-Entercom Entertainment and Mina released her debut single ‘Answer The Phone’. 

To this day, it remains a bop and I have very vague memories of listening to it when I was young. I just know that when I accidentally stumbled upon the music video a couple of weeks back, I already knew the song and was humming along. 

I tried looking up the Top 50 of 2002 but the song was nowhere to be found. So I don’t know if that was all just a fever dream or not. Though it doesn’t matter in the end, because I’ll still be singing and dancing along. 

I found the song here on Spotify, so add it to your Throwback playlists for that sweet, sweet nostalgia. 

Go check out our previous Time Capsule!

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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