K-Music Time Capsule: Henry – Trap ft. Kyuhyun, Taemin

Photo credit by SM Ent

Today I’m sharing a great, fantastic, piece of art that truly represents the early 2010s, I’m featuring ‘Trap’ by Henry, Kyuhyun and Taemin.

This song legit made me cackle when I first saw it. ‘Trap’ features a very dramatic Henry on the piano, which is nothing unusual and partly why I love him. No, what makes this song rate higher on the scale of Extraness is the combination of the caps and the basketball outfits. It’s this dichotomy between the drama of missing your ex, slowly losing your mind over a piano and pushing an empty decorative bird cage over. 

It doesn’t stop there. It also features a very odd choreography that is hilarious. There’s standing on top of a piano (which is rude towards the piano, just saying), said piano also catches fire at one point (which is even ruder). 

Then we have to talk about the features on ‘Trap’. There’s Super Junior’s Kyuhyun who somehow looks the same nowadays as he did seven years ago?? *drop your skincare routine* The second feature is SHINee’s Taemin who looks utterly adorable with his bowlcut. 

Honestly the eyeliner was iconic in 2013. 

Go check out the music video which has a whopping 81 million views!

You can find the song on Spotify here. I have so many questions about the cover art for that EP. It also makes me wonder if Jared Leto got inspired for his Joker look. 

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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