K-Cover: A.C.E – Empty Space

Photo credit by BEAT Int

We’re back with a new DisKover The Cover, this time featuring the boys from A.C.E and their cover of ‘Empty Space’ by James Arthur.

A.C.E has a rapline, but they can literally all sing… Honestly, it still surprises me from time to time and I’ve been aware of that fact for a while. 

The song ‘Empty Space’ by James Arthur is a beautiful ballad on its own, but the boys do it so much justice. I don’t know how but they make me feel like I’ve been through three divorces. The power. 

Go ahead and check out the cover!

Also if you haven’t yet, go check out our review for their latest comeback here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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