[Indie Pick] Onthedal

Photo credits: Onthedal

We’re back with a brand new Indie Pick feature, this time we’re writing about the lovely Onthedal

We’ve featured her music a couple of times in our Weekly K-Indie Report, but I figured it was time to do a deep dive into her discography. 


Onthedal debuted with the single ‘Lobster’ in 2019. Its dreamy sound has continued to be a staple in her music. It’s honestly a super nice balance between folk and electronica. Her vocals suit this style so well. She also writes, composes and arranges her own music so stan talent y’all.

In 2019 she released three more singles, ‘Moondeuk’, ‘Vinseesun’ and ‘Pie’. All of these singles were released again on her first EP ‘℃ dal’.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t share this trippy music video for ‘Walking On The Moon’.


2020 was a rather busy year for Onthedal as she had quite a few collabs with other artists in the Korean Indie hemisphere. Here are some of my favorites.

This collab with Cott has been on my rotation ever since it came out. I’m still as obsessed.

This release with Jooboring is absolutely lovely.

Onthedal’s collaboration with Kanghunsim is fabulous. I feel like they really captured the vibe with the music video.

Here are some of the translated lyrics of ‘Small Ship’.

On my very small stomach
What’s going on so much
With half-closed eyes and standing like this
“I look blankly at you
Washed down by the strong wind
Even if my heart is exposed
No more power to hide
I look blankly at you
I can’t show you anymore”


Take a look at her two latest releases.

Watching the ‘HYE’ music video made me cry, so beware.

Go ahead and check out her Spotify and her Instagram.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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