photo credit by FENT

The girl group FANATICS is back with their first ever comeback ‘PLUS TWO’. For this EP the members Yoonhye and Chaerin were taking a break and they added the new members Nayeon and Bia to the mix. FANATICS doesn’t have a steady set of members, they’ll be mixing it up for every comeback.

Let’s dive in!


We start with the ‘INTRO (Be my Fanatics)’ which is a floaty track with very funky synths and some nice vocals added to the mix.

Then we get the title track ‘V.A.V.I. GIRL’. The V.A.V.I. stands for Variety, Adorable, Versatile and Independent and I’m totally here for it. The lyrics all stand for self-confidence and rocking your independence. It’s great. Check out the MV.

The member you see doing cartwheels is Chiayi and holy smokes, I need to see a choreography video for this because if that is actual part of the choreo then that is some next level dancing. The song itself is a complete earworm. I’d listened to it once, started to make a cup of coffee and was humming the ‘I’m a VAVI girl’ the entire time. It’s funky, slightly crazy, but really fun and amazing at the same time.

‘No.1’ is the next track. This mid-tempo track has some really nice piano and beautiful vocals. I love the rap section mixed with the synths. I do wish they had toned down the autotune on some parts to let the vocals shine a bit more so that it feels a bit less overwhelming. But that guitar solo is FIRE. 

We follow that up with ‘All You Are’ featuring JOHNEAST. From the getgo this has a completely different vibe. It’s summer track deliciousness. We get the spacious synths, windchimes and the like. JOHNEAST wrote and composed the track and his feature on the song is actually very nice. I couldn’t really find any information about him but he’s involved in writing a lot of the entire EP.

Ballad city

Next up is ‘If You & I’. This track brings us to ballad city. The members’ vocals finally get the full spotlight. It’s absolutely lovely and the droning electric guitar kind of works really well. When the violins come in, though, it’s absolutely stunning. If you like ballads, definitely give this one a try. They also released the acoustic version of ‘If You & I’ with mostly just piano and I desperately need a live version of this. 

The ‘Outro (Let Me Fly)’ closes the EP off. It’s almost like poetry. The first half of it is completely in English and it’s really wholesome. Then the EDM comes in and I almost wish this was a full-length song. 


This was a really solid comeback. ‘PLUS TWO’ by FANATICS will have a place in the fans’ hearts for sure and I’m pretty sure that they will expand their fandom because the title track will definitely capture the interest. 

I couldn’t find the EP on Spotify yet, but here is their Artist profile, so keep an eye out and why not listen to their first EP?

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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