DPR IAN is back with ‘No Blueberries’

Photo credit by DPR

DPR IAN who pretty much awed us with his single ‘So Beautiful‘ is back with the single ‘No Blueberries’ featuring DPR LIVE and CL.

The single is part of the same universe as ‘So Beautiful’ and is part of the trilogy storyline that DPR IAN has been working on. The song was written by DPR IAN and LIVE, and arranged by DPR CREAM.

‘No Blueberries’ is a total vibe though I had to watch it a couple of times because the blueberry monster kind of distracted me.

Go ahead and watch the music video!

You can listen to ‘No Blueberries’ by DPR IAN on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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