August Korean Indie DisKovery

Photo credits go to the rightful owners

We’re back with our August Korean Indie DisKovery! As we’re closing off the month, let’s take a look back at what indie goodies we were blessed with this month. These releases have been on repeat since they came out.

Week 1

The indie duo Soony Cosmos debuted with the single ‘Blue Moth’. I really enjoy their rock sound with the mellow vocals. It’s a great combo. I hope they’ll release more music soon! 

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WOOL is an electronic duo consisting of Won Hojae and Yang Jihyuk. Their second EP ‘NORANG’ is a whole vibe.

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The new single ‘Wildflower’ by JeongSaebyeok is absolutely beautiful. I love the melody and her soft vocals. This indie folk ballad is fantastic.

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Week 2

HYNGSN dropped her third EP ‘LaVida’. It’s a very smooth, jazz-inspired R&B listen. The title track is top tier! I personally am obsessed with the single ‘Day Life’ featuring Crucial Star. 

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YESEO is back with her new EP ‘TRY FREE!’. It has a delightful electronic sound and is a pretty smooth listen.

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The indie duo Hit.eun released the single ‘Different’. According to the album description, ‘Different’ “is a song that solves the problems of relationship and conversation of ‘Eun’, the producer and pianist of ‘Heung-eun’.”

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Week 3

This EP ‘Sound of spring scent’ is one of my favorites of this month. Chabitna has a delightful voice and this EP is such an amazing listen. It’s soft, quirky and gives me all the indie folk vibes I need to get through the day. If you only listen to one thing, make it this EP.

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Hong Chan-Mee and her EP ‘Her Song’ is my other favorite of this month. The combination of women in indie folk always does it for me. ‘Cicada’ has some amazing piano in the instrumentals that complement Hong Chan-Mee’s vocals so well.

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Stayoung released his second single ‘A Letter’ and it is absolutely lovely! This is his debut year and I have high expectations for his upcoming music. It seems like he’s found his style. 

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Week 4

Baewonlee came out with the full-length album ‘Sonder’. This is such a lovely listen. The guitar is brilliant in ‘Summer in Snow’ which is a remastered version of his debut single. 

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Lang Lee released her third full-length album and it is so DOPE. It’s storytelling at its finest and is such a wild ride. The entire album fits together like a glove and it is a whole experience listening to it for the first time.

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The boys from Jackingcong are back with the EP ‘At My Peaceful Garden’. The opening track ‘Diamond’ is such a vibe with the brass. I’m in love!

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That’s it for this August Korean Indie DisKovery. I hope you found some new gems to enjoy. It’s been a great month with some fantastic releases, so this was a hard one. Tell us which one your favorite is.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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